Schemes and Activities |
Apart from carrying out the statutory responsibility of furnishing advice to the government and universities on policy matters pertaining to higher education, the Council is formulating and implementing an array of schemes and activities for enhancing quality and excellence and ensuring equity.
The schemes activities of the Council can be broadly classified into two:
The schemes activities of the Council can be broadly classified into two:
- those which are undertaken outside the ambit of the Centres of the Council.
- those which are undertaken under the Centres. major activities and achievements of the Council over the periods of the first two Councils are given below in a nutshell:
- Restructuring of Undergraduate Education ( Introduction of Choice Based Credit and Semester System)
- Preparation of a Data Bank on Higher Education
- Teacher Exchange Programme (In order to facilitate academic exchange between the Universities in the State and those outside.)
- KSAAC (Kerala State Assessment and Accreditation Council) has been instituted as per the Report of the Council.
- Selected leading colleges of the State have been given autonomous status in accordance with the recommendation of the Council.
- Implementation of Cluster of Colleges concept.
- Implementation of Erudite Scheme (Scheme formulated to arrange opportunity to the students and teachers of the State to interact with internationally renowned academicians and Noble Laureates)
- National University for Police Sciences and Security Studies (NUPSAS) has been instituted on the basis of the report prepared by the Council.
- Implementation of Higher Education Scholarship Scheme.