Inauguration of website International Conclave on Next-Gen Higher Education.
KSHEC Interactive Session with the World Bank Team
State Level Workshop on Academic Bank of Credit.
Kerala State Higher Education Council is an advisory body to the Government of Kerala, in higher education. It also acts as a state level coordinating agency for higher educational activities. It came into existence in 2007 by Kerala State Higher Education Council Act (No.22) passed by the State Legislature to bring together and expand the rich array of teaching, research and human resources development. Kerala State Higher Education Council Act 2007 was subsequently amended through an ordinance by the Government of Kerala on July 2017. KSHEC brings together scholars and stakeholders in State’s Education to materialize its vision to revitalize Kerala Higher Education and to foster academic inquiry and research. The Council consists of three bodies namely Advisory Body, Governing Body and Executive Body as per the KSHEC (Amendment) Ordinance 2017).
KSHEC - 4 Year Handbook for Student
KSHEC - Notice for Website development
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) Material Science-Provisional List of Shortlisted Candidates
Kairali Research Awards-Biological Science-Shortlist
The Higher Education Scholarship UG Fresh 2023-24 Provisional List is released
High Court Judgement on Equivalency
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2)MEDICAL SCIENCE -Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
Kairali Research Awards-Gaveshana Puraskaram Chemical Science Shortlist
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES-Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) Climate Change & Geological Studies-Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) Digital Technology & Engineering-Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) Economic Studies-Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) Chemical Science-Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
CMNPF-2023-24 (Mode 2) Life Science-Provision List of Shortlisted Candidates
Last date for AISHE survey is 20/03/2024.
All Kerala Higher Education Survey Started
Means to a Beginning Funding opportunities for PhD students and Postdocs in India
Handbook on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for Engineering Programmes Handbook on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for General Education Programmes KIRF Press Release Chief Minister's NavaKerala Post doctoral Fellowships. Watch Live on 21st August 2023 " Kerala Institutional Ranking Framework( KIRF) ManualNotification of Kerala Institutional Ranking Framework( KIRF)KERALA STATE HIGHER EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK for UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES Brain Gain Report
Notification of Vacancies in KSHEC
Exam Reforms Commission Report
Higher Education Reforms Commission Report
University Law Reforms Commission Report
BRAIN GAIN- Keralite-Academic Diaspora -Registration
Public Notice: PhD Regulations
DRAFT Curricular Framework and Credit System for the Four-Year Undergraduate Programme
Report on National Education Policy 2020 & Kerala
Application Format of Equivalency/Recognition of Degrees
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